Seminars at Ångström
The Additive manufacturing initiative at the Ångström laboratory organises a series of lunch seminars together with U-PRINT and the AM4Life Competence Centre. This series goes under the name of Additive Manufacturing @ Uppsala University (AM@UU), and aim to broaden knowledge of Additive Manufacturing (AM) applications from life science to metallurgy, and to let audience to learn more about AM from both academic and industrial perspectives.
These seminars are held at the Ångström Laboratory and are open to all interested. Attendees are offered to join seminars in person (free sandwich for lunch is provided upon registration) and we are also broadcasting lectures on Zoom for those who cannot join us on-campus. Registration is required.
Seminars will be announced in our calendar as well as on LinkedIn channel of AM4Life Competence Centre.
Please subscribe to the seminar series and register for seminars here:
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Past seminars
- 25/01 - Prof. Peter Isberg, ABB Motion
A vision for how Additive Manufacturing can improve electromagnetic devices for the future - 3/03 - Dr. Håkan Brodin, Key Expert - Materials Technology at Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB
Industrialisation of additive manufacturing at Siemens Energy - 29/03 - Gert Nilson, Jernkontoret, Sweden - Technical Director and Head of Department of Research and Education
- 18/04 - Prof. Anna Finne Wistrand, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden - expert in Polymer Technology with orientation towards Polymer Chemistry
- 31/05 - Prof. Anna Öhrwall Rönnbäck, Luleå Tekniska Universitet
- 6/09 - Dr. Helena Bysell, Collaboration Manager at Innovation Partnership Office, Uppsala University & Erik Asplund, Business strategist, Region Uppsala. Strengthening the regional innovation ecosystem around additive manufacturing in Uppsala
- 27/09 - Prof. Carolyn Conner Seepersad, George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
- 2/2 - Olle Pontén, BMC, U-PRINT Uppsala University 3D Printing Facility, Sweden - Expert in 3D printing for polymers and bioprinting
- 16/2 - Álvaro Morales López and Dr. Tiziana Fuoco, CEO and CTO of AKIRA Science, Sweden – experts in polymer printing and soft tissue engineering
- 2/3 - Assoc. Prof. Michael Bryant, University of Leeds, UK – expert in corrosion studies in 3d printed parts and medical devices
- 30/3 - Dr. Johannes Homa, CEO of Lithoz GmbH, Austria - expert in lithography based ceramic manufacturing (Introduction toLCM-technology)
- 20/4 - Dr. Robin Woracek, European Spallation Source ERIC, Lund, Sweden - expert in neutron scattering analysis of 3D printed products
- 4/5 - Dr. Konstantin Simonov, Researcher at Swerim AB - expert in synchrotron radiation spectroscopy
- 3/6 - Assist. Prof. Wei Xiong, Director, Physical Metallurgy & Materials Design Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science
University of Pittsburgh - 8/6 - Dr. Franchesco D'Elia, Researcher at Uppsala University - expert in metal prining for biomedical applications
- 26/10 - Assoc. Prof. Greta Lindwall, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden - Expert in CALPHAD modeling, Alloy Development, Metallurgy.
- 16/11 - Dr. Victor Pacheco, Researcher at AMEXCI, Sweden - Expert in Materials Engineering, Laser Powder-Bed Fusion
- 17/2: Carl-Johan Karlsson Hassila, UU, SE - AM of Metals: process parameters development
- 3/3: Haralad Kissel, Sandvik Additive: Material Development for Binder Jetting and PBF- Laser systems
- 17/3: Prof. Lars-Erik Rännar, MittU, SE - Electron beam melting – past, present and future research at Mid Sweden University
- 7/4: Olle Eriksson, U-PRINT, UU, SE - Overview on the research for the life science applications at U-PRINT 3D printing facility at Uppsala University
- 5/5: Prof. Stefan Johansson, UU, SE - The coming 2-photon printer at the Ångström laboratory
- 19/5: Prof. Marta-Lena Antti, Luleå University of Technology, SE - AM activities at Luleå University of Technology
- 2/6: Prof. Alberto Leardini, Codivilla-Putti Istituto Ortopedico, Rizzoli, Italy - Medical imaging, musculo-skeletal modelling and 3D printing for custom implants in Orthopedics
- 15/9 - Prof. Oana Ghita, Exceter University, UK - Seminar with expert in additive manufacturing of polymer and composites
- 29/9 - Prof. Erik Schkommodau, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, Liestal, Switzerland - Seminar with expert in 3D-printing of implants and surgical navigation
- 13/10 - Prof. Eduard Hryha, Chalmers University, Sweden - Seminar with expert in additive manufacturing for metals and head of the CAM2 Competence Centre
- 27/10 - Jean-François Romainville, Belgium - Vanguard Initiative: 3D-printing Pilot
- 10/11 - Dr. Sara Munktell, Swerim AB, Sweden - Corrosion properties of stainless-steel AM components
- 24/11 - Assoc. Prof. Michael Fokine, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden - expert in glass science and working in development of glass 3D printers
- 8/12 - Dr. Fabien Guillemot, Founder & CEO at Poietis - 4D Bioprinting, France - Expert in bioprinting and tissue engineering
Autumn 2020
- 16/9: Jonas Åberg, OssDsign, SE
- 30/9: Jithin James Marattukalam, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, UU, SE
- 14/10: Rouslan Svintsitski, 3D Ceramtec,FR
- 04/11: Einar Heiberg, Lund University, SE - 3D printing for clinical studies
- 18/11: Start-up in AM: experience from VBN Components AB and Graphmatec
- 02/12: Victor Pacheco, Department of Chemistry, UU, SE - Revealing localized microstructure variations in additive manufacturing by neutron imaging
- 16/12: Ida Sjöberg, SLU, SE - 3D printed resorbable polymer implants
Sping 2020
- 4/3 lunch seminar 12.15 - 13.00, Polhemsalen
Prof. Lars Nyborg from the CAM2 research centre at Chalmers technical university, Gothenburg - 20/4 CANCELLED lunch seminar due to Covid19 restrictions
From lab to fab – a review of different 3D ceramic printing technologies
Rouslan Svintsitski, 3D Ceram, France - 18/5 Webinar, 15:15 - 16:00
Prof. Ola Harysson from the Center for Additive Manufacturing and Logistics, North Carolina State University
- 28/2 lunch seminar
Additiv tillverkning med metallmaterial
Mats Vikström, visiting researcher at Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala university - 12/4 lunch seminar
Competences for future industrial competitiveness- a Sandvik perspective
Klas Forsström, CEO Sandvik Machining Solutions - 25/4lunch seminar
"3D verkstan" will present their new Metal 3D printing machine ”Metal X” (by MarkForged). Afterwards employees from 3D Verkstan and MarkForged will demonstrate the printer and there will be room for questions - 1/10 lunch seminar
3D-printing of medicines
Julian Quodbach, Department of Pharmacy, Uppsala university - 5/11 lunch seminar
Additive Manufacturing at GE Healthcare Life Sciences
Andreas Marcström, Klas Marteleur, GE Healthcare - 2/12 lunch seminar
AM and large-scale facilities
Prof. Martin Sahlberg, Department of chemistry - Ångström laboratory, Uppsala university